Wednesday, 15 April 2015

The Real You versus Observed Reality.

Each person has an outside physical body which we all see(outer man) and the unseen inside body(inner man). Our inner man is like a source of Light to the rest of the body. A fully bright light is powerful at illuminating a room or objects and usually radiates warmth too. Some say the person is very "warm" or "lights up the place". I see our heart and mind as our internal light systems. If our light is dim, switched off or malfunctioning then the inner man is affected. A darkness looms over them or as people often say "a cold person" or "they have lost their sparkle." Our well being is very much dependent on our inner man being bright therefore being healthy. I have realised that the following :
Emotional Hurt
Sadness and unhappiness
and ultimately depression
often lead to our light becoming dim and eventually malfunctioning or in extreme cases switched off.
It is time to get the balance right , the homeostasis correct and start looking after our inner man so we can achieve holistic healing internally  & externally that leads to happiness.
Arise , let your shine aims to encourage individuals to RISE up and be restored to total joy, love, happiness and peace and live a fully fulfilling life.
Get your glow and sparkle back.

Below is The Onion Model another good analogy of how the seen is usually just a perception but the Unseen is the real you. However, most of us live our lives based on symbols and ignore the values part.
I hope this first post will bless you immensely.

More to come by the way.
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